Merry & Bright



Trace triangle patterns on cardboard and cut out with scissors.

Note: If using pots to hold plants, basecoat entire pot, inside and out.

1. Use 1" flat brush to basecoat large pot, medium pot base and saucer Hydrangea Blue; and rim of medium pot Holly Berry Red.

2. Paint bulb bases Pot O’ Gold and remainder of bulbs with Outdoor Glitters. Set aside to dry.

3. Trace around triangle cut-outs with chalk on large pot base and saucer.

4. Use #10 flat brush to paint triangles Holly Berry Red. Let dry.

5. Use #8 flat brush to stripe triangles on large pot base and medium pot rim with Burgundy Rose. When dry, apply Tinsel Red on stripes.

6. Either trace or freehand snowflakes randomly on large pot. Use liner to paint Cloud White. Use brush handle end to dot white in open areas. Let dry.

7. Use pouncer to apply white dots on medium pot and Starshine on large pot.

8. Use palette knife or craft stick to apply Outdoor Snow on large pot and saucer. Let dry.

9. Wrap wire around bulb bases forming a string of "lights." Hang or attach to large pot rim.