

Take time to smell the coffee.


With enough coffee, anything is possible.


Instant human. Just add coffee.


All the coffee in Columbia won't make me a morning person


If it weren't for coffee, I'd have absolutely no personality whatsoever!


Don't criticize my coffee. You may be old and weak one day.


My blood type is Folgers.


My blood type is Maxwell.


My blood type is coffee.


I love you a latte.


You are the cream in my coffee.


I drink coffee for your protection.


Is it coffee yet?


Some things in life are better rich. . . coffee, chocolate, men.


I'd stop drinking coffee, but I'm no quitter.


Wake up and smell the coffee.


Is there life before coffee?


There is no life before coffee.


There is life after coffee!


Is there life before coffee? There is NO life before coffee. There is life AFTER coffee!


Never stand between me and my coffee.


I found my perfect man: Mr. Coffee.


I won't be seen, 'til I get my caffeine.


I don't have a problem with caffeine. I have a problem without caffeine!


No questions until I've had my second cup of coffee!


On the eighth day God created coffee.


Give me coffee and no one gets hurt.


Where's my computer server? I need some coffee.


My husband gives me lots of rings. . . coffee rings, soap rings, toilet rings. . .


There has never been a better office communication system than the coffee break!


All the coffee in Columbia won't make me a morning person.


Better Latte then Never


Death before Decaf !


Don't criticize the coffee, you may be old and weak someday yourself.


Drink your coffee !!  People in India are sleeping !!


Expresso yourself


If you can thread a sewing machine

while it's running

you've had TOO much coffee !!


Instant Human....just add coffee !!


Is there life before coffee??


My blood type is coffee.


No Questions Please....I haven't had my second cup of coffee yet!!!


On the eighth day God created coffee !


Some things in life are better, chocolate, men.


Take two cups and

call me in the middle of the night !


We've shared a coffee and a chat...

As friends so often do...

So when you brew this single cup...

Imagine I am with you !